Natasha Diddee, a famous food blogger, who was also known as The Gutless Foodie, passed away on Sunday in Pune. According to her social media bio, Ms. Diddee was a chef by profession and was living life without a stomach. “That Heartbreaking Announcement…” Ms. Diddee’s husband wrote on Instagram to announce the news of her passing. “It is with great pain and sorrow that I am forced to announce the sad and heartbreaking passing of my wife Natasha Diddee, aka The Gutless Foodie,” he wrote.
The cause of Ms. Diddee’s death is not known. But in her previous interviews, she had revealed that she was suffering from multiple medical conditions such as diarrhea, nausea, and feeling light-headed or tired after eating. She also had her entire stomach removed due to tumors that had developed in her stomach.
“The Instagram account @thegutlessfoodie will be kept alive and open since I know her posts and stories inspires a lot of people and many of her followers frequently come back for her recipes and the published content continues to serve as a source of inspiration for many,” Ms Diddee’s husband wrote.
“I also know she loved the direct interaction with her followers and she always found it important to try and respond to anyone who contacted her. She also greatly enjoyed meeting her followers throughout the years at different events and during our various travels,” he added.
Instagram users expressed their condolences in the comments section. “She was one of the very first good accounts I followed when I joined Instagram back when it wasn’t such a big thing. After knowing her story of struggling with the condition, I was even more inspired. Its so heartbreaking. Hope you and the family gets the strength to deal with this tragic loss,” wrote one user.
“Oh no, this is so sad! I’ve made so many of Natasha’s recipes and I would never miss reading her captions, because she poured her heart into them. I’m so sorry for your loss. May she rest in peace,” said another.
“This is so so heartbreaking!!! She inspired me to start cooking 8 years ago and posting whatever I cooked! Deeply saddened to hear this. Loved chatting with her and reading her stories through her posts. She will be deeply missed! Sending prayers to you and the family,” shared a third. “OMG! This is heartbreaking. I wish this was a prank and she is still happy and cooking great food somewhere.. Really really sad to hear this news,” expressed another.
Years ago, Natasha Diddee’s entire stomach was removed after she developed tumors due to prolonged stress. Nonetheless, she turned this life-altering event into a chance to explore her love for home-cooked food.