Jaya Kishori, a singer and spiritual speaker, responded to those who accused her of hypocrisy on Tuesday after a video of her carrying a Rs 2 lakh handcrafted Christian Dior handbag went viral. The 29-year-old said, “Work hard, earn, and don’t troll,” adding that she wasn’t a sadhvi (nun) and that she hadn’t given up anything.
Kishori denied ever used leather in her life in response to rumors that her Dior “Book Tote” was composed of the material.
“The bag is personalized. It isn’t made of leather, and it can be customized to your specifications. For this reason, it also bears my name. Leather is something I have never used and never will. I never say that everything is’moh maya’, don’t make money, or give up everything, as those who have visited my ‘katha’ are well aware. How can I urge you to renounce anything when I haven’t done so myself?” “I said,” she said.
Kishori continued by referring to herself as a “normal girl” and stating that in order to provide for oneself, one must earn money.
“I have stated unequivocally from the beginning that I am neither a saint nor a sadhu or sadhvi. “I am a typical girl who lives with her family in a typical home,” she remarked.
Kishori went on to say that she puts a lot of effort into earning money so that she can live comfortably and provide for her friends and family. She did, however, add that she doesn’t use leather because it’s one of her guiding principles.
Knowing that you can own things but that they shouldn’t own you is the genuine core of spirituality, according to Kishori, who said that even monarchs donned jewelry.
“I was content when I had nothing, and I’m still content now that I can afford a few things thanks to God’s favor. Although having possessions doesn’t make me happy, it does enable me to live a comfortable life.
She has owned the same bag for years and has even taken it to airports, the spiritual speaker noted. “Negative publicity” is what Kishori described as the allegations made against her bag.
The 29-year-old said that her explanation of the persistent problem was solely for her supporters and supporters.
“I won’t betray your confidence. My adventure began twenty-two years ago. I wouldn’t abandon the hard work I’ve put in over the past few years because I’m not that stupid.”