In Haryana, an obscene video of a middle-aged man and a woman is becoming increasingly viral. It is being claimed that the person seen in the video is an MP. Whose age is said to be 60 plus. The obscene video is of 7 minutes 35 seconds. The sound of a news channel is clearly visible in the video. The female reporter on the news channel is talking about Gandhi Jayanti. Due to which it is being suspected that this video is old. Because Gandhi Jayanti falls on 2 October.
Watching this obscene video, it seems that the woman herself has made the video. The face of the woman is clearly visible in the video, which is said to be from Delhi. In this video a man and a woman are talking. According to which the name of the woman has been called to give her a job. A middle-aged man is also heard asking the woman’s name in the room.
There is only a 30-second span of conversation between the middle-aged man and the woman in the obscene video. During this, a middle-aged man is seen standing in the room in a naked state. He also signals the woman to be naked. While the woman is taking off her clothes, the middle-aged man asks her many questions.
Note: However, is this video real or edited? Is the person seen in this a BJP MP or has the MP’s face been superimposed on someone else’s face with the help of deepfake technology? Repute Media does not confirm this.