Ratha Saptami, also known as Magha Saptami, is an auspicious Hindu festival dedicated to Lord Surya that falls on saptami or seventh day during the Shukla Paksha of the Magha month. This day is marked by individuals maintaining a daylong fast, offering arghya to the rising sun, and rising early in the morning.
According to tradition, worshipping the Sun God on this day will cleanse one’s sins and bring good fortune. The word Ratha means chariot and Saptami means the seventh day.
It is believed that Sun God Surya begins his journey towards the northern hemisphere riding in a ratha or chariot drawn by seven horses. The day is believed to be Lord Surya’s birthday and is also known as Surya Jayanti.
Ratha Saptami 2024 Date
Ratha Saptami 2024 is being celebrated on February 16 this year.
Ratha Saptami 2024 History
There are several legends associated with the festival. It is said that Sage Kashyapa and his wife Aditi were blessed with the incarnation of Lord Surya, who was one of the Adityas.
As per another legend, a king called Yashovarma prayed to the Lord for blessing him with a son as he had no heir to his rule. While his prayers were answered and a son was born to him, he turned out to be terminally ill. On the advice of a saint, the person performed Ratha Saptami pooja (worship) to get rid of their past sins. After performing the rituals, the King’s son recovered and went on to rule the kingdom.
Ratha Saptami 2024 Significance
As Lord Surya starts his journey towards the north, Ratha Saptami celebrates the beginning of spring season and the start of harvesting season. Farmers across the country seek blessings of Lord Surya by heading to sun temples, hoping for a bountiful harvest and favorable weather conditions throughout the year. The worship of Sun goes back to the ancient times and finds mention in ancient scriptures such as Vedas.
On this day, people also express their gratitude towards the Sun that illuminates the entire world with its warmth and brightness, which also makes life possible on Earth. The festival is the perfect time to donate clothes and food to the poor and pray for longevity, prosperity, and good health.
Ratha Saptami Shubh Muhurat
- Ratha Saptami on February 16, 2024, Friday
- Shubh Muhurat to take bath on Ratha Saptami – 5:17 am to 6:59 am
- Civil Dawn on Ratha Saptami – 6:35 am
- Observational Sunrise time on Ratha Saptami – 6:59 am
- Saptami Tithi begins – 10:12 am on Feb 15, 2024
- Saptami Tithi Ends – 8:54 am on Feb 16, 2024
Ratha Saptami Rituals
- Ratha Saptami rituals begin with a morning bath, which is undertaken during the special muhurat of Arunodaya, which lasts for four ghatis or 1.5 hours. It usually happens 24 minutes before sunrise. Taking a bath before sunrise during the Arunodaya period helps one keep diseases at bay.
- After taking bath one should worship Lord Surya during sunrise by offering arghya to him. Arghyadaan is done by offering water to Lord Surya from a small kalash with folded hands in Namaskar Mudra while facing Lord Sun in a standing position.
- Light a pure ghee diya. Other puja samagri includes kapur, dhup, and red flowers.