Sree Harsha Konuganti, who was famous for Husharu, is coming up with an out-and-out entertainer titled Om Bheem Bush, with Bang Brothers Sree Vishnu, Priyadarshi, and Rahul Ramakrishna playing the lead roles. The recently released first look of the film alone created a strong impact. The makers today unveiled the film’s teaser.
Besides showing the humorous characters of the trio, the teaser also discloses the background of the movie. The Bang Bros are scientists who land in a village to find a treasure there. But things don’t look easy for them, as black magic practices in the village are turning into a big hindrance.
These kinds of films don’t need logic and the director tells the same with the teaser. The storyline is intriguing, but it’s the hilarious writing that makes this a compelling watch. The teaser by The Bang Bros, Sree Vishnu, Priyadarshi, and Rahul Ramakrishna, is captivating from start to finish, although there are some scary moments.
Sree Vishnu looked cool in the role, and he provided enough laughs with his comedy gang, Priyadarshi and Rahul Ramakrishna. Raj Thota’s cinematography and Sunny MR’s music are both impressive in terms of technical aspects. V Celluloid and Sunil Balusu are producing the movie.
The movie, which is scheduled to be released on March 22nd, features Preethi Mukundhan and Ayesha Khan as the heroines.
Technical Crew:
- Writer, Director: Sree Harsha Konuganti
- Presents: V Celluloid
- Producers: V Celluloid, Sunil Balusu
- DOP: Raj Thota
- Music Director: Sunny MR
- Art Director: Srikanth Ramisetty
- Editor: Vijay Vardhan
- PRO: Vamsi-Shekar
- Marketing: First Show