The comedy-thriller show, Sunflower, was starred by Sunil Grover. After the successful season one, the makers are set to release the second season of the show. Apart from Sunil Grover, the show stars also Ranvir Shorey, Girish Kulkarni, Mukul Chadda, Radha Bhatt, and Ashish Vidyarthi return as the members of the Sunflower society, as well as the new face that is the latest addition to the ensemble cast is Adah Sharma.
Release Date and OTT Platform
Zee5 is set to release Sunflower 2 on March 1, 2024. It has been reported that the series will be released at midnight on the OTT platform.
The season 2 starts from where the first season ended. Tambe and DG remain imprisoned and are attempting to identify Mr. Kapoor’s assassin in season 2. With the release of the trailer for season 2, the level of mystery has increased, which has led to the addition of twice as many suspects, including India’s most popular murder suspect. As usual, Sonu (Sunil Grover) will leave them perplexed and pondering.
With Sunil Grover reprising his role from season 1 as Sonu Singh, the show will also see Adah Sharma, Ranbir Shorey, Girish Kulkarni, Mukul Chadda, Radha Bhatt, and Ashish Vidyarthi, who are all set to bring together humor and mystery.
The trailer for the second season of the show shows a glimpse into the fascinating world of Sunflower, a Mumbai middle-class housing society filled with eccentric individuals. The trailer shows Adah Sharma, the new tenant of the society, as Rosie Mehta, spreading her charm. Sunil Grover reprises his role as Sonu Singh, adding mystery and comedy to the already outstanding cast.
Ranvir Shorey and Girish Kulkarni’s police team, DG and Tambe, continue their tenacious search for Mr. Kapoor’s killer from Season 1. Kapoor’s apartment has been acquired by Rosie, a fascinating bar dancer who raises additional questions and attention to the case. The trailer for Sunflower 2 has captivated the audience.