The creators of the web show ‘Sunflower Season 2’, starring Sunil Grover and Adah Sharma, unveiled its official trailer on Thursday. to Instagram, OTT platform Zee5 shared the trailer that they captioned, “Brace yourself for twice the suspense, twice the thrill, and twice the quirks with ‘Sunflower’ Season 2. #SunflowerS2 premieres 1st March, only on #ZEE5.
Trailer Out Now!”
The trailer reveals the intriguing world of Sunflower, a middle-class housing society in Mumbai that is filled with quirky characters. Sunil Grover, reprising his role as the enigmatic Sonu Singh, once again infuses humor and mystery into the already stellar cast. Adah Sharma adds her charm as Rosie Mehta to the already stellar cast.
Picking up where Season 1 left off, police duo DG and Tambe, portrayed by Ranvir Shorey and Girish Kulkarni respectively, continue their relentless hunt for Mr. Kapoor’s murderer. As seen in the trailer, the new season will witness India’s most beloved murder suspect returning, Ahuja’s confession, and Rosie’s entry into the Sunflower Society. Rosie is a captivating bar dancer who has inherited Kapoor’s penthouse, raising more questions and spotlight on the case. As the story progresses, love and romance will flourish between Sonu and Rosie… How will their equations affect the course of the story? Is there more than what meets the eye?
With more intriguing characters emerging as suspects, the question remains: Will the cops nab the actual killer or will they keep going in circles?
Sunil Grover stated that sharing the exciting new season of ‘Sunflower’ with our incredible fans is something he is genuinely thrilled about. The wait has indeed been long, and I know fans are eagerly waiting for this next chapter. Season 1’s love has been overwhelming, and I am confident that fans will appreciate this season even more. Sunflower Season 2 has more suspense, filled with thrill and laughter, while introducing complex characters. I particularly enjoy playing multilayered characters as it gives me a chance to explore the character a lot more. The aim was to keep this season light-hearted while adding a layer of intrigue and mystery. The fresh sequel of ‘Sunflower’, premiering on ZEE5!, is sure to bring you on a rollercoaster ride of emotions, laughter, and unexpected twists.
Adah Sharma shared her excitement and said in a statement, “Joining the cast of ‘Sunflower,’ which has already garnered a massive fandom, has been an absolute delight, and I am thrilled for the show’s much-awaited sequel. My character, Rosie, adds a new dimension to the narrative. Rosie is mysterious and very sharp. She’s very attractive, but she’s the woman of every man’s nightmare. Rosie comes to live in Sunflower society and turns everyone’s lives upside down. She is on a mission right from the start, she claims she is a bar dancer but as the episodes progress you realise, she’s an excellent liar who can fool everyone with her innocence. Right from the cops to Mr. Iyer, she manages to outsmart everyone.